Our Community Hub
At Sister Project, we are committed to connecting our local community with essential community services.
We are a 'one-stop-shop' Community Hub.
Community Members:
Whether you need disability employment support through Ability WA, financial counselling with Midlas, or English classes with North Metro TAFE, our Community Hub is designed to help you find the right services quickly and easily.
We believe in empowering our community by bridging the gap between those in need and the support they deserve.
By ensuring everyone has access to these vital services, we aim to significantly improve the quality of life for all members of our community.
Community Service Providers:
The North East corridor is the fastest growing area of WA with approximately 180,000 residents and has become a satellite centre of Perth.
However, it is a desert in regards to community service providers and training organizations.
Sister Project is advocating for our local community and inviting you to be a part of the success story for this area. Opportunities to be the first of your kind in a new market do not come around very often.
If you would like to be a part of our collaborative and supportive community and feel your organization could add value to our Community Hub goals, please Contact Us.
Services Currently in our Community Hub
Abilitys WA
Our Ellenbrook team are here to empower people with disability to achieve their employment goals and aspirations by providing opportunities for work, work experience, training and skill development in professional environments across a range of workplace settings.
District 32
District32 is a premium business growth network where business leaders and experts form meaningful relationships every month through structured growth networking events and business growth workshops.District32 members feel more connected, more informed, and more confident with their business growth. The Swan circle group of District 32 meet fortnightly for a breakfast meeting, 7.30am Fridays in Sister Project Hub. New members are warmly welcomed.
Consultation Support
Training Alliance group Australia
Our ParentsNext program helps eligible parents to plan and prepare for employment by the time their children go to school. You will be supported to set education and employment goals, develop a pathway to achieve them and link you to services and activities in the local community.
enquiries@trainingalliance.com.au or call 1300 436 756
Services Australia
The Multicultural Service Officers visit Sister Project the first Friday of every month to advise and lead information workshops for our multicultural community in regards to Medicare, Centrelink and Child Support payments and services. To register for these information sessions please contact us.
Mental health help
Midland women health care place Inc.
Life Withought Barries
Kool care
Midland Womens Health Care Place provides Counselling for women over the age of 16. Self-referred, person-centered, strength-based approach in a welcoming and supportive environment.
Support Service for men. A 10 week program providing help and support to men 18 and over who may be going through dysfunctions for example dv alcoholism and drug addiction, mental health issues.
The Culturally Diverse Psychological Service (CDPS) is a free mental health service that provides short term, culturally sensitive, and evidence-based counselling to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Contact tel: 0418724549 or cdps@lwb.org.au
Counselling for all. Interplay play therapy. Group therapy, in person therapy and online therapy. Therapy to all ages. A flexible service that caters to individual needs. Therapy in both English and Afrikaans.
Education and skill development
Multicultural futures
A free weekly class helping refugees and migrants learn how to use the computer, create Word documents and resumes, email and internet knowledge, explore career pathways, and job search. Contact Teresa at 9336 8282, 0409 417 466
North metropolitian tafe AMEP
Tafe hold Adult Migrant English Program classes 3 times per week. Learn English language skills and information about Australian Society.
Ph. 92074268 to enrol.
Health and Wellness Programs
Ladies HQ
Ladies HQ run fun female-only events, personal development workshops, coaching and online motivational challenges. For the next event in Sister Project contact: https://ladieshq.com.au/contact
Patti McBain
Personal growth mentor Patti holds a weekly meditation group in Sister Project. These are some feedback from her clients:"As a mentor & coach, Patti creates a safe space to talk about my life issues. I know I have been heard & not judged. Contact Patti https://pattimcbain.com.au/home/index.php/contact
Spirit Sky
Reiki Master ✨️Shamballa Master ✨️ Women's Circles ✨️ Guided Meditations ✨️ ETR Practitioner. Contact 0403 939 459 for more information
Women of the Nile
Women of Nile (WON)is initiative by South Sudanese Women for empowering women. Contact Nyibolgarang82@gmail.com for more information.
Youth Support
Financial Assistance
Edmund Rice
Midlas offers holistic, wrap-around support for eligible clients, including disability advocacy, financial counselling and well-being, tenant advocacy, legal services and community engagement initiatives. Providing advocacy, education, information and advice that empowers people to thrive.
MIDLAS provides Debt and credit issues (including maladministration).
Issues managing bills and expenses.
Insurance and Superannuation.
Assistance with budgeting.
Debt Arrangements and payment plans.
Accessing HUGS and other assistance.

You are Invited!
We have training rooms, counselling rooms, and even private offices available for you to feel comfortable in your own space. Check out Space Hire for more!